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Ambiguity and Ignorance on Crime

New research finds disconnect between campus officials, less than dazzling knowledge of key campus crime law and evidence that programs to prevent sexual assaults may be misdirected.

Campus Violence, Viewed From Afar

Student murders at or near several colleges have shaken nerves. Elsewhere, is there a diminished sense of safety?

6 Killed in Northern Illinois Shooting

Former graduate student opened fire in a lecture hall before turning the gun on himself.

Diversifying Through Football

At many Division I universities, sports remains a major -- if not the primary -- route to college for black men, data from more than 300 colleges show.

Imperfect Peek Into the Police Blotter

A new FBI report offers a (less than complete) look at the overall nature of crimes at schools and colleges: most are assaults, vandalism or theft.

R Txt Msgs the Best Way 2 Alert U?

Students aren't signing up for text systems -- quickly installed by many campuses after the Virginia Tech killings -- as widely as some expected.

Shock Heard Round the World

Campus safety experts respond to the much-debated Taser incident at University of Florida.

Connecting the Dots

State report on Virginia Tech massacre exposes broad failures to share information -- and the need to close the gulf in student information that separates high school from college.