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Probing Students' Pasts

WASHINGTON -- In the aftermath of the 2004 murder of a University of North Carolina at Wilmington student by a...

A 'Suicide School'?

Of all the things Cornell University wants to be known for, suicide isn’t among them. And yet, after years of...

Assessing the Threat

Experts on campus security and workplace violence say Huntsville tragedy reveals possibility of faculty members as perpetrators, but warn against "tenure denial made her do it" assumptions.

Be Their Guest

Investigation into U. of Tennessee's football recruiting practices raises questions about the continued presence of "hostesses" -- female students responsible for entertaining recruits -- on some campuses.

Stretching the Security Blanket

Some campuses are consolidating their police departments, a move that experts say must be done with caution.

Reaching Students Who Don't Report Depression

SAN FRANCISCO -- Among the greatest frustrations of campus mental health professionals is that those who need help the most...

Covering Up or Scaring Off?

High school counselors remain divided on what they should tell colleges about the disciplinary records of applicants. Should admissions officers know if potential students were suspended?

Redefining Suicide Risk -- and Prevention Strategy

National study suggests large population of students who consider taking their own lives -- and never seek counseling.