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How to Fix Division I

With NCAA governance restructuring and new control for the most powerful athletics programs closer than ever, a conference commissioner muses on why and how "evolution" must happen.

Beyond Grades

Next wave of student learning assessments from testing firms could be boon for employers and competency-based education.

Unpaid Internships Not Dead Yet

Despite all the hoopla about a recent court victory for unpaid interns, the case's significance for colleges may be limited.

Inputs Trump Outputs

Colleges that serve fewer disadvantaged students have higher graduation rates, new studies find, a fact policy makers should heed.

Vulnerable Students

Recent charges of sexual assault and harassment by music professors raise old questions about a "sinister trend" in the discipline. Experts blame a mix of cultural factors and unique windows of opportunity.

Languages vs. Football (Well, Rugby)

The athletics vs. academics debate rages in Australian higher education, too -- with a twist.

Let's Talk (Differently) About Sex

A New York Times piece about the sex lives of Ivy League women elicited quite a bit of eye-rolling. Some college students are trying to change the "hook-up culture" conversation.

Embargo or Perish

There is some evidence that young scholars could hurt their chances at publication by posting dissertations online, but also concerns that lengthy embargoes could hurt scholarship and fail to recognize changes wrought by the Internet.