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ACT Scores Slip

Average ACT scores are the lowest they've been in five years. English and reading scores dropped the most from last year.

A Welcome to Remember

Have you forgotten the convocation speech that welcomed you to college? This year's Georgia Tech freshmen are sure to remember the "sophomore welcome" that they received.

Tweet Smart, Tweet Often

While some colleges unrealistically forbid athletes from using social media in certain ways or at all (or ignore the topic altogether), Colgate encourages students to use platforms often, in positive, self-promoting ways.

Last Line of Defense

U. of Maryland at Eastern Shore's new whiteboards double as bulletproof shields. The $60,000 investment is part of a "proactive approach" to safety.

A New Tuskegee Experiment?

Lewis Margolis and Gregory Margolis ask whether encouraging young people to play football violates basic ethical standards, given both what is known and not known about the risks of concussions.

The Anti-Orientation

Sewanee's new first-year transition program is one of three pre-semester freshman events there, but with a focus on place and interdisciplinary learning, this one goes beyond the typical experience.

Student Loan Lifestyles

Researchers identify two broad categories of those who borrow to pay for college -- each distinct from the norms of those who don't borrow. Both miss out on what has been considered the classic college experience.

Going on Offense With Title IX

Some male students accused of rape are suing colleges, saying they are the victims of sex discrimination. Experts doubt they will succeed, but cases could focus more attention on due process issues.