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The Future Grad Students

New data from ETS illustrate gaps by race and nationality in GRE scores, and differences between graduate population of Americans and non-Americans.

Drinking and (Critical) Thinking

Students who binge drink during college have significantly worse critical thinking skills than non-bingers upon graduation -- but only if they started college with comparatively low skills, study says.

Educating the Whole Athlete

Georgetown's new athlete development and leadership program bridges sports, academics and student services for a comprehensive approach to leadership education.

Athletes' Lawsuit Clears Hurdle

Judge grants class action status for former and current players in challenging NCAA amateurism policies -- but rejects broadening of pool of athletes eligible for potential damages. Outcome appears to increase odds of a settlement.

Wrong Answer on Remediation

States that shut down developmental education without trying some emerging alternatives will hurt the low-income students they are claiming to help, write William Tierney and Julia Duncheon.

Coaches Make More Than You

Major college football coach salaries rose 10 percent in 2013, topping out at more than $5.5 million.

Building Students' 'Cultural Capital'

Academic and student affairs officers discuss their responsibilities to help first-generation students overcome deficits in exposure to arts and culture -- and the pros and cons of requirements.

A Room of One's Own

Debate at U. of Chicago raises question: Are graduate students who are breastfeeding mothers entitled to a private place to pump?