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In the Dark on Data

Adult students aren't using College Scorecard and other consumer websites as they consider college, and they aren't interested in performance metrics like graduation rates and debt levels.

Virginia Tech Ruling Reversed

Overturning a circuit court jury verdict in a wrongful death lawsuit, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled the state was not negligent in responding to the 2007 mass shooting.

Interdisciplinary Penalty

If you combine two disciplines in your dissertation, you can expect to earn less than you would otherwise in the year after finishing your doctorate, study finds.

Culture, Confusion and Concussions

National Academy of Sciences report urges NCAA to help take the lead in conducting research and addressing the "cultural problem" that makes concussions prevalent.

Luring Students With a Stadium

As Colorado State continues to explore plans to finance a football stadium it hopes would make up for declining state funding, faculty and economists warn it's a risky proposition.

Wanted: Adoring Female Students

Do male professors need and seek out attention from their female students? A popular feminist blogger thinks so, as do many of her Twitter followers.

Qualified in Their Own Minds

New survey shows students think they're more prepared for the work force than employers believe they are. The question, its authors ask, is what will anyone do about it?

Scorecard for Scorecards

Complete College America talks up peformance-based funding at its annual meeting, releasing a report that rates the 16 states that have tried it so far.