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Another Push for Embargoes

Second history organization comes out against requirement that all dissertations be made available online.

Measuring Other Outcomes

Largest-ever study of American graduates will look at quality-of-life measures beyond job attainment and compensation, but some question what it says about colleges.

Job Placement Confusion

More colleges are responding to pressure to report on graduates’ career outcomes – but the results are confusing and incomparable.

Looks Matter

High schoolers who are physically attractive are more likely than others to complete college, study finds.

Aggie Journalism Revival

Ten years ago, Texas A&M cut its journalism program. The job market imploded in the meantime, but the university hopes its interdisciplinary, liberal arts education approach will make reviving the degree a smart move.

Gun Bans in Danger

Florida appeals court rules that, in most cases, public colleges and universities can't regulate weapons on campus.

Going Rogue

Swarthmore College's Hillel chapter says it won't adhere to guidelines barring it from cooperating with or hosting anti-Israel groups or speakers. In response, Hillel headquarters draws a hard line.

Shifts at Hopkins

Pioneer in the research university model wants to shrink graduate enrollment (but offer much better stipends to those who are admitted), to favor junior faculty for tenure-track openings. Grad students object.