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What About the Athletes?

Debating a possible new governance structure, Division I faculty members, students and athletics directors question whether athletes are sufficiently represented.

Athletes, Drugs and Entitlement

As all three NCAA divisions prepare to lighten penalty for pot smoking, survey shows the most use in Division III, which tests athletes the least. Data also explore athletes' sense of academic entitlement.

Don't Go to College Next Year

Gap years change students in ways that society needs -- and much more should be done to make them a possibility for all students, not just the privileged, Joe O'Shea writes.

It Ain’t What I Say

When administrators about issues such as assessment and competency-based learning, writes Judith Shapiro, the language they use is crucial if they want to engage faculty members.

Academic Reform Hits Division II

Division II institutions are poised to raise academic standards for athletes, with a series of rules similar to those passed by Division I two years ago.

Tech Alone Won't Cut It

Electronic advising systems have plenty of potential, writes Melinda Mechur Karp. But they will fall short without more attention to the messy, human side educational technology.

Carpetbagging Coach's Last Lesson

The hasty departure of Penn State's football coach -- after begging his players to stay amid scandal -- is yet more evidence of college sports' hypocrisy, writes William F. Devine.

Kindness Is Possible

There are lots of stories about jerks in academe. A new blog isn't about them.