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Seeking Answers on 'Competency'

Competency-based education holds much promise, but many questions remain -- which is why we need a federal program to experiment with it, Paul LeBlanc writes.

Preparedness Paradoxes

New survey finds disagreement among students, businesses and college leaders over whether and how recent grads are prepared for work. But there is consensus on who's to blame: everybody.

Athletes Move to Unionize

Northwestern football players make unprecedented filing for collective bargaining rights, but colleges and NCAA are sure to make it an uphill battle.

Cutting Ties

The study abroad provider Living Routes will close its doors after the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, citing health and safety concerns, suspends its affiliation agreement with the organization.

More Dining, Less Dozing (in Class)

At Lynn University, one of the first small colleges to offer a 24-hour cafeteria, students are more nourished and classes are more flexible.

General Education's Remake

Liberal education group wants to redesign general education around competencies, and gets $2.3 million from the Gates Foundation for the project.

Presidential Decree on Sex Assault

A federal task force convened by President Obama takes government enforcement even further, but promises to consult with college officials this time.

Liberal Arts Grads Win Long-Term

Over the arc of a career, humanities and social science graduates earn as much or more than those in professional fields, new study shows, and are equally employed.