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Expulsion Presumed

Colleges facing criticism over their handling of sexual assault allegations debate whether the best policy is to automatically kick out those found guilty.

Digital Feedback

As colleges turn to vendors for help on retention services, one company offers a way to give positive feedback to students.

Mean Tweets, Academic Style

Professors read barbed student reviews, in a Jimmy Kimmel joke transplanted to academe by a student newspaper.

OCR in the Hot Seat

A heated Congressional exchange raises the question: does the U.S. government need more power to hold colleges accountable for handling sexual assault cases, or has it already overstepped its authority?

Focusing on the Grad Student

New handbook on advising sheds light on the more personal, human aspects of the process.

Fighting Plagiarism in Spain

U. of Granada tries to show that there is a path to assuring the integrity of student work.

Beauty in Ugly Dorms

Daniel F. Chambliss writes that the best living spaces for new students have crowded hallways, no singles, and group bathrooms -- in other words, everything too many colleges are trying to replace.

Video Games Go Varsity

Should League of Legends, a popular video game, be a varsity sport? An Illinois university thinks so.