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The Global Ph.D.

Internationalizing doctoral programs should mean more than recruiting students from other countries, say speakers at conference.

Suing Over Speech

Lawsuits on speech issues announced against Chicago State, Citrus College, Iowa State, and Ohio University – and more litigation expected.

Know a Problem to Fix It

States have chaotic lack of consistency in how they track college remediation, according to the Education Commission of the States, which seeks national standards.

When to Intervene

Students, faculty members and administrators expect their institutions to crack down on abusive social media posts, a new study finds -- but not to monitor their activity.

Black Professor Body-Slammed

Video showing Arizona State police arrest of a faculty member stemming from jaywalking incident provokes outrage.

Dissertation Advisers and Their Motives

Professors need to ask themselves why they seek to supervise the work of Ph.D. students, and whose interests are being served, writes Heather Dubrow.

Blind Students and Health Professions

Iowa Supreme Court rules that chiropractic college cannot reject a student's request to meet requirements for analyzing X-rays through a reader.

Liberal But Tolerant

Controversial survey of political climate at University of Colorado finds (to no one's surprise) that conservatives are in the minority, but also found that 96 percent of students believe their instructors promote respectful classroom environments.