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The Threat to the NCAA

A year after predicting that big-time college sports is invulnerable to legal challenges, Murray Sperber changes his mind.

Amateurism on Trial

As major antitrust class action involving players' likenesses gets under way, NCAA settles related lawsuit over video game images for $20 million.

Only Yes Means Yes

A bill that passed the California Senate would require college students to get a "yes" before sex.

Another Deadly Shooting

Man charged with murder after killing one and injuring two others at Seattle Pacific U. Another student is hailed as a hero for using pepper spray against killer while he was trying to reload weapon.

Winning Combination for Whom?

Higher-income students benefit most from the extracurricular student engagements a recent Gallup-Purdue study identified, writes Lauren Schudde.

The Presentation Withheld From a Senator

American Council on Education webinar on lawmaker's survey on sex assault on campus -- secret until now -- warns institutions about "public relations risks" of responding and characterizes Congressional probes as a “mix of substance and politics."

Presidents vs. Guns

Overwhelming majority of campus leaders oppose idea of allowing concealed weapons at their institutions, study finds.

Mind the Gap

Efforts to reform remedial education that fail to address achievement gaps will perpetuate those gaps. John Squires and Angela Boatman propose a better way.