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A More Nuanced Bill Gates

The Microsoft founder and head of influential foundation tells college business officers that big changes are on the way -- but offers moderated views on role of technology and push for college completion.

Major Sexual Assault Settlement

U. of Connecticut -- denying wrongdoing -- to pay $1.3 million to resolve lawsuit accusing it of "deliberate indifference" when investigating students' claims of sexual harassment and assault.

Žižek, Plagiarism and the Lowering of Expectations

The renowned philosopher's unacknowledged borrowing is disappointing, Hollis Phelps writes -- but are our expectations about originality and citing others' work outdated?

Clery Fines: Proposed vs. Actual

As the Education Department has stepped up its enforcement of campus safety rules over the past four years, colleges have continued to be successful in getting their Clery Act fines reduced.

UC Weighs Bias Against Non-U.S. Researchers

With research dollars scarce, the University of California is "re-examining" a longstanding policy that prevents discrimination against researchers who are not American citizens.

Summit on Sexual Assault

At a conference organized by Dartmouth College, officials from more than 60 colleges discuss their responsibilities to students who've been assaulted; federal regulation; and the "toxic" culture in which they operate.

Merit, Diversity and Grad Admissions

Scholar goes behind scenes to observe professors decide whom to admit to top Ph.D. programs. She finds that GRE and grades dominate first winnowing, while diversity comes into play later.

Freedom of Religion or Free to Discriminate?

As Christian colleges seek exemptions from parts of some federal laws, two institutions face legal challenges to their treatment of transgender students -- and Education Department exempts one from part of Title IX.