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Suspended for Blogging

The Marquette U. professor who criticized a TA's teaching on his personal blog is suspended, pending a university investigation into his conduct.

Doing the Coach a Favor

A professor is caught in the middle of an athletics scandal after he is encouraged by a swimming coach to admit a student into an independent study course as a last-ditch effort to maintain eligibility.

Protecting Whom?

The U.S. Department of Education says universities should honor student privacy laws, even when they would block the reporting of how they discipline students accused of sexual assault.

A (Football) Tale of 2 Universities

Alabama-Birmingham's decision to drop football should inspire other universities that bleed red ink and sacrifice their integrity to play the sport, write Richard Vedder and Joseph Hartge.

One in Five?

It's been used to galvanize a growing movement against campus sexual assault, but critics say an often-cited statistic about the prevalence of campus sexual assault is not very reliable.

When the Victim is Male

Education Department finds that SMU violated the law with a poor response to a sexual assault case in which the assailant and victim were both male, and the former came from a prominent alumni family.

Rethinking Everything … Literally

Working with a group of students who are linear thinkers by nature has forced Lee Burdette Williams to block that metaphor.

Unsustainable Postdocs

National Academies report sees system in disarray and calls for better pay, more mentoring and speedier path to their own labs.