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Salary Ceiling for Women Only?

Is it fair for a university to tell a championship-winning women's coach that she won't be renewed in part because of her salary? When the coach of the equivalent men's team earns more?


At annual meeting, historians discuss ways to engage students on protests in Ferguson, Mo., and elsewhere.

Outsourced Trial Period

Western Governors University steers rejected applicants to StraighterLine, an online course provider that acts as a low-risk way for students to prepare to earn a degree.

The Biggest Man on Campus

The University of Michigan’s forced hand in negotiating with its new football coach is the latest evidence that presidents are not in charge of big-time college sports, Bob Malekoff writes.

Big Union Win

NLRB ruling could clear way for more collective bargaining -- of adjuncts and other faculty members -- at private colleges and universities.

Settlement at Harvard

Law school reaches agreement with Education Department to do more to protect victims of sexual assault.

Compassionate But Impartial

Paperwork aside, Title IX coordinators say their jobs take an unusual emotional toll and encourage peers to exercise self-care.

One of Their Own

Athletics directors are thrilled to see one of their own take a leadership role within the NCAA staff, but it's unclear what sway the new position will have and which concerns will take precedence.