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Why EQUIP Really Matters

The U.S. Education Department's new experiment with alternative models of higher education can unleash the next era of postsecondary innovation, Daniel Pianko argues.

Let Them Eat Cake (Competently)

Competency-based education, the new darling of postsecondary disruption advocates, threatens to further stratify higher education, writes Steven Ward.

Joining U.S. Hunger Program Is Not a Snap

Earlier this month, Oregon State University began accepting Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits at campus grocery stores. Few other colleges participate in the program.

Averting Tragedy Before It Occurs

Someone often is aware that a person is planning an attack before it occurs yet does not effectively intervene, writes Michael L. Sulkowski.

Investigating Sexual Assault, Regionally

State of Virginia has proposed a pilot program that would create a regional center for investigating cases of campus sexual violence.

Flirting With Professional Sports

New NCAA rules allow basketball players to enter the draft multiple times and let baseball players hire agents.

Kicking the Can?

At NCAA meeting, top conferences frustrate athletes by tabling proposals about time demands, but pass legislation granting full authority to team physicians and trainers in decisions involving injured players.

The Faculty Role Online, Scrutinized

The Education Department's inspector general is auditing Western Governors U over the faculty role in its competency-based programs. The high-stakes audit is relevant to other colleges and forms of online learning.