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The Questions Developed to Cull Students

As debate continues over drowning bunnies and Mount St. Mary's questionnaire for new students, concerns are raised about ethics and legality of the survey.

Meningitis Risks

Cases of meningitis at three universities have sickened four students -- three in a single outbreak -- and led to death of one employee.

Sexual Assault Allegation Shakes Conduct Group

President-elect of organization of officials who play key roles in Title IX cases accuses her predecessor of sexual misconduct.


A University of Pennsylvania student affairs administrator loses his job over false claim he had a Ph.D.

Fair Play?

In the aftermath of events at the University of Missouri, Eric D. Bentley examines whether athletes at public higher education institutions across the nation have a First Amendment right to strike.

Better Off Ted

While Bernie Sanders, as expected, captured the younger Democratic electorate, such voters were also key for Ted Cruz on the Republican side. Donald Trump has built a student base as well.

Zero-Sum Game

Recent athletics cuts at several HBCUs raise questions about the role of sports at small, private colleges.

Another Take on Competency

Competency-based education can strengthen, not weaken, the liberal arts and provide a path to better wages and lives for adult students, Paul LeBlanc and Jim Selbe write.