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Balancing Response and Treatment

Survey suggests that increasing student demand for mental health services -- spurred by prevention and awareness campaigns -- may be leading colleges to focus less on ongoing treatment in order to respond more rapidly to high-risk students.

Inaugural Alternatives

Some colleges are planning events for students and faculty members who want to be together on Jan. 20, but not to celebrate.

The Changing English Major

Amid enrollment declines, speakers at Modern Language Association discuss shifts in the major, such as a de-emphasis of traditional survey and the addition of more writing-related courses.

Compassion Is No Substitute for Competence

Higher education institutions are woefully unprepared to handle the complexity of rape cases, argues Ted Gup.

Supermajority Requirement in the Minority

Stanford faces criticism for policies requiring a supermajority or unanimous vote when deciding responsibility in sexual misconduct cases. Few other institutions have a similar process.

Should Colleges March in Trump Inaugural?

Marist, Olivet Nazarene and Talladega all face criticism for sending their bands.

A Coach's Support

Minnesota football team has ended its boycott over the suspensions of 10 players accused of sexual assault, but coach’s comments in support of the team continue to draw criticism as taking sides against woman who brought complaint of gang rape.

Shifting Narrative at Minnesota

Boycott by football players focused on issues of due process for 10 suspended athletes. But as university's investigation into sexual assault revealed damning details, support for the athletes ebbed and boycott was dropped.