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Teaching Students Soft Skills

Reinhardt University launches program to train students in soft skills such as conflict management and strategic listening -- while preserving liberal arts mission.

Protecting Student Privacy, or Reputation?

State judge says University of Kentucky need not release records related to sexual assault allegations against a former professor. University officials say student privacy wins out; critics call Kentucky's argument a "smokescreen."

Up Front for Retention

A private university in Texas is hoping to guide students through a more streamlined financial aid and admissions process in hopes of retaining them.

Shooting Outside Campus Talk

Violence at University of Washington appearance by Milo Yiannopoulos followed protests that prevented a speech at UC Davis -- as tensions grow over Breitbart writer known for insults against feminists, minority groups and others.

'A True Day Off'

NCAA's Power Five conferences unanimously adopt new rules lessening time demands on college athletes, though some programs would like to see exemptions made for recruiting activities.

Consistent Punishment

New study finds that penalties for breaking NCAA rules are largely consistent across conference membership -- and that men's basketball and football account for the vast majority of violations.

Trying Again on Time Demands

At NCAA meeting, Division I and the Power Five conferences will take a second shot at legislation limiting time demands on athletes. Divisions II and III expect to adopt new rules giving “unchallengeable authority” to physicians on when athletes should play after concussions.

Mental Health on the Syllabus

Northwestern U Faculty Senate passes resolution encouraging professors to put information about mental health services on their syllabi.