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Handshake Deal

The rapid growth of Handshake, a career-services platform, is also raising questions about whether some students' grades are made visible to employers without permission.

Anxiety on the Rise

Survey of campus counseling centers finds increased demand for services, as well as additional positions and more diversity in hiring.

50 Shades of Gray

Study suggests scientific work force is aging -- and will get even older, even as younger scientists hang on the sidelines in hopes of jobs and face longer odds of landing grants.

Spanier Conviction Renews Debate on Penn State Post-Sandusky

Former president of university found guilty of child endangerment. Leader of outside investigation questions whether institution has learned lessons from the scandal.

Another Berkeley Star Accused

Berkeley is again in hot water for allegedly protecting the reputation of a prominent professor instead of acting on reports of harassment against him. The case this time involves John R. Searle, a noted philosopher of language.

Better Marriage Between College and Job Training

Republican-dominated Washington wants more occupational job training as an alternative to college degrees. But higher education will remain the federal government’s primary job-training system, albeit one experts say could use a reboot.

Searching for Safe Spaces

They are easy to caricature, but examining safe spaces within the broader context of the university and the First Amendment shows that, properly constructed, they can help students pursue knowledge, write Ashutosh Bhagwat and John Inazu.

Finding a Niche in a Niche Market

Despite the buzz, competency-based education remains a challenging market for software vendors.