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What I Learned From Attempting Suicide

Colleges and universities need to step up on behalf of faculty and staff members, argues an anonymous writer, and engage not simply in the prevention of suicide but also its destigmatization.

Ann Coulter vs. Berkeley, Round 2

She refuses to speak when university says it would be safe and insists she will appear this week. Milo Yiannopoulos says he's coming back in the fall.

NLRB: Resident Advisers May Unionize

Decision by board official clears way for election at George Washington University, but issue could end up in court.

ASAP Expands North and West

Community colleges in New York and California are hoping to replicate the success of the City University of New York’s Accelerated Study in Associate Programs, which has doubled completion rates.

Aftermath of a Professor's Suicide

A death this week leads to renewed discussions about academics and mental health.

Full-Time Finishers

A growing body of research shows that full-time college students are more likely to graduate, yet experts caution against policies that neglect part-time students.

PayScale's Impact (and Limitations)

The compensation company was early in drawing attention to graduates’ incomes. Others have entered the fray, and all are imperfect.

Ground to a Halt

Harvey Mudd College canceled classes for two days after sit-in and protests over issues of race, workload and a leaked report in which faculty appeared to be insulting students.