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Flu Returns to Campus With a Vengeance

College campuses that avoided major flu outbreaks for two years are now seeing the virus spread early and fast, with COVID restrictions gone and student immunity low.

‘Woeful’ Evidence for Efficacy of Anonymous Reporting Tools

Colleges can choose from an array of tech tools for reporting suspicious behavior. But with little evidence-based research, many feel adrift on what works for this life-or-death matter.

Same Tools, New Uses: What if We Rethink the Internship?

College leaders must be willing to ask these eight what-if questions related to internships, writes Liz Langemak, who works with student entrepreneurs.

A Broader Way of Thinking About Well-Being

More counselors won’t be enough: a new movement seeks to center student, faculty and staff well-being through structures and policies across campus, Marcelle Hayashida writes.

Faculties So White

A new report underscores how faculty diversity and student success go “hand-in-hand” and asks, “Why are university faculties so white?”

Shedding Light on the ‘Learn and Work Ecosystem’

New web library strives to highlight and support the work of governments, foundations, colleges and other organizations focused on the intersection of education, training and careers.

Why I Enrolled in Developmental Math

Ashley Flood writes of enrolling in a developmental math course and convening a study group to help students who had failed before find success.

Deficiency Mind-Set Bedevils Developmental Math

Colleges should design pathways to meet students’ different preparation levels and goals rather than foist algebra on everyone in the name of numeracy, Ben Weng writes.