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Don’t Only Call Us in a Crisis

Too many college leaders look to their student affairs offices only when something goes wrong. They can help the institutions be more successful, too, writes Kevin Kruger.

Our Flag Was Still There

UC Irvine didn't ban the flag, and the students who tried to do so (before being vetoed) wanted only to keep the flag out of one small area. But that was all before the story went viral.

Call Center Lessons

A growing nonprofit gives students part-time jobs and scholarships -- while boosting problem-solving skills.

Changes to Sex Assault Bill

Renewing their push to combat campus sexual assault, a bipartisan group of 10 senators outlined modest revisions to their legislation aimed at holding colleges more accountable.

Suspended for Spouse's Statements?

U. of Tulsa suspended a student last semester over offensive comments made on Facebook. But those comments never came from his account.

Yik Yak Rhetorics

Jeff Rice wonders if the public discussion about the offensive comments on the popular app is missing the real significance of what students are communicating.

Well-Prepared in Their Own Eyes

Survey finds that college students think they are being well-prepared with the skills and qualities needed for careers. Employers are dubious.

Rethinking Everything … Literally

Working with a group of students who are linear thinkers by nature has forced Lee Burdette Williams to block that metaphor.