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Vandalism or Protest?

Some people aren't waiting patiently for colleges to rename buildings or remove statues of racist figures of the Southern past. Is spray paint the appropriate tool? Some experts predict a rise in "historical guerrilla warfare."

Get Your Head Out of Your Apps

David Jaffee laments the cell phone-addled students he encounters as he walks across his campus.

Who Will Listen?

Fed up with slow administration responses, students have taken complaints to the press and social media -- to the frustration of their institutions. What other options do students have before they go public?

Take It Down

Should U of Minnesota have investigated and questioned the judgment of professors whose poster promoting a panel discussion on the Charlie Hebdo murders offended Muslim students?

Re: Your Recent Email to Your Professor

Students who use emojis in their emails and write “heeeeelp!” in the subject line don't necessarily know better. Paul Corrigan and Cameron Hunt McNabb present a way for professors to help such students.

What Happened to Freedom of Speech?

College administrators are erring by kicking out students for offensive comments -- however offensive those comments are, writes Jonathan Zimmerman.

Music Criticism, Race and Gender

At Princeton, student group whose performance was seen as promoting racism was quickly disbanded. Some want to know why university would book a rapper known for sexist lyrics.

Not in Our Name

Hillel chapter at Swarthmore votes to change its name after its parent organization threatened legal action regarding Israel-related programming.