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Lists of demands from student activists have gotten longer and more ambitious, but students at Western Washington U may have others beat.

Love Me Tinder

Recent study attracting press attention says students use the app to make friends. Some experts doubt it.

Let's Focus More on the First Year

Students enter college hoping it will be a major step up from what they were doing before, writes Roger Martin, but they are often disappointed.

The Next Ann Coulter

Even the name of this man's speaking tour is inflammatory -- certainly a no-go during prime time -- and students are interrupting his appearances, accusing him of being sexist and promoting rape culture. Meet Milo Yiannopoulos.

The Questions Developed to Cull Students

As debate continues over drowning bunnies and Mount St. Mary's questionnaire for new students, concerns are raised about ethics and legality of the survey.


A University of Pennsylvania student affairs administrator loses his job over false claim he had a Ph.D.

Better Off Ted

While Bernie Sanders, as expected, captured the younger Democratic electorate, such voters were also key for Ted Cruz on the Republican side. Donald Trump has built a student base as well.


Wick Sloane describes the toll that what we now call food insecurity is taking on students at campuses like his.