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The Achilles Heel

UNC-Chapel Hill chancellor, once touted as a potential long-serving campus leader, resigns after two years of athletics, academic and administrative scandals.

Notre Dame Finally Moves -- to ACC

After being courted for years, the independent University of Notre Dame will join the Atlantic Coast Conference, potentially calming the realignment frenzy.

The NCAA's Limited Reach

Its jurisdiction in addressing academic integrity issues such as the no-show courses at UNC is limited, faculty and experts say -- putting the onus on the university to fix the problems.

NCAA: Bogus or Bona Fide?

Taylor Branch and John V. Lombardi square off in a fiery debate over the ways -- positive and negative -- the NCAA affects athletes' welfare.

Analyzing Penn State

Steve Weinberg, a critic of big-time college football and longtime friend of Graham Spanier, considers two new books on the Sandusky scandal.

Watch What You Tweet

California will become second state to ban colleges from requiring access to students' social media accounts. In other states, that's exactly what athletic departments are doing.

NCAA Misstep on Penn State

The association's penalties did nothing for the victims and largely spared the perpetrators, writes Robert King. So why did it get involved, and what are the implications for the future?

When in Doubt, Investigate

When allegations of wrongdoing emerge, colleges should investigate them aggressively and independently, Scott Coffina writes.