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The Football Dividend

Each win in top programs can bring in more donations and more in-state students, study finds, but the gains are for athletics, not universities as a whole.

Trade-Off in NCAA Grad Rates

Graduation rates among Division I football and men's basketball teams have risen to new heights (above 70 percent), but athletes over all are getting degrees at lower rates than last year.

One Step at a Time

Different groups are taking various actions as concern about concussions grows, but some say a more unified approach is needed to reduce number of injuries.

Sports in the Board Room

Governing boards should be more involved in athletics oversight, for financial, ethical and academic reasons, a new report argues.

A New Playbook

Admissions directors at public flagship universities seek to define best practices for the potentially problematic area of admissions exceptions for athletics.

Physical Elimination

In dropping phys ed requirements, University of Chicago becomes latest institution to cut fitness and swim tests, the latter of which was required for graduation.

High-Stakes Test You Can't Prep For

More colleges are getting on board with random drug testing of athletes, while others that already did it are testing more often.

Gaps in Grad Rates for Athletes

An alternative method of measuring athletes' graduation rates shows football players lag behind their full-time, non-athlete peers in most conferences, with black athletes in many cases faring especially poorly.