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Profit and Competency

Kaplan University creates new "competency reports" for all 45,000 students, a move that adds momentum, and risks, for competency-based education's spread.

The Coaching Transformation

Shifting from being a professor to a coach in a competency-based program isn't easy, write Christine Seifert and Richard Chapman, but it pays off for both students and instructors.

Re: Your Recent Email to Your Professor

Students who use emojis in their emails and write “heeeeelp!” in the subject line don't necessarily know better. Paul Corrigan and Cameron Hunt McNabb present a way for professors to help such students.

Emerging Path to Federal Aid

Senate Republicans echo the Obama administration by proposing alternative pathways to accreditation and, possibly, federal aid for noninstitutional providers like Udacity, General Assembly and edX.

Professors Should Define Student Success

Faculty members should lead the process of redefining how colleges determine if students are ready for careers and life -- with the help of the Degree Qualifications Profile, Norm Jones and Harrison Kleiner argue.

Community College to Bachelor's

Study reveals nearly half of 4-year college graduates have attended a 2-year institution within 10 years of their college career.

Texas-Size Math Lab

Austin Community College builds the world's largest learning lab in a former mall, using it for a personalized form of remedial math that is getting good results.

Next Phase for Gates's Completion Agenda

After seven years and half a billion dollars, the Gates Foundation announces its four priority areas for college completion policies and plans to release a data framework for measuring performance in higher education.