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Moving Beyond College Completion

Motivated by 2017 violence in Charlottesville, Lumina Foundation adds racial justice to grant making, which has focused heavily on college completion.

As California Goes?

The biggest and perhaps least likely state to try performance funding will tie billions of dollars for community colleges to measures of student success, a plan faculty groups say will punish students and colleges.

Private Colleges Give Ground on Student Data

Lobbying group for independent colleges says it's open to expanding federal data collection on student outcomes but remains opposed to student-level database favored by public colleges and many policy makers.

Closing Gaps in San Francisco

A social justice curriculum paired with student support services and specially trained faculty members has helped two San Francisco-based colleges increase completion rates.

The Bad First Job's Lingering Impact

New report finds that bachelor's degree recipients whose first job does not require degree are more likely to remain "underemployed" five years later -- and women fare worse than men.

Learning Tool or Cheating Aid?

After students at Texas Christian University are suspended for allegedly using the Quizlet app to cheat on their exams, professors are warned this case may be the tip of the iceberg.

Focusing on the Finish Line

A new analysis sheds light on the need to help students who are 75 percent of the way toward a degree but are at risk of dropping out.

Promoting Student Success

“ Promoting Student Success” is Inside Higher Ed's new on-demand compilation of articles. You may download a copy free, here...