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Mapping the Academic Genome

Technology is enabling the rise of precision academics in higher education, writes Myk Garn, who describes the game-changing potential of mapping and coding the academic genome.

CUNY’s Intensive Remedial Ed Semester Showing Success

Early results for a study of CUNY Start program finds students outperform their peers in developmental courses.

College Readiness Courses and Work-Force Development

Readiness courses offered through partnerships between high schools and colleges can help ensure that more K-12 graduates have the knowledge and skills they need for college, write Elisabeth Barnett, John Squires and Jennifer Zinth.

Counting Credentials

The Credential Registry is several months into its mission to document all U.S. credentials, but the finish line is further than ever.

DeVos to Announce New Push for Deregulation, Innovation

Top Education Department official describes plan to "rethink" higher-education standards through new rule-making process, to be announced today, on accreditation, the credit hour standard, the faculty role online and more.

A Call for Bipartisanship in Higher Education

Legislation introduced this week offers members of Congress an opportunity to work together for the benefit of students and families, argues Jared Polis.

The Extensive Evidence of Co-Requisite Remediation's Effectiveness

Study after study has shown higher course pass rates than in traditional remedial courses, writes Alexandra W. Logue, so why doesn't everybody know about it?

Why We Must Balance Emotion and Intellect

The best college teaching has always included both rational argument and emotional insight -- a combination that is more crucial than ever in classrooms today, argues John R. Swallow.