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Leveling the Playing Field for Social Capital

Can technology help equalize students’ access to relationships that provide support, information and opportunity?

9 Ways to Elevate First-Generation Student Support

Efforts by colleges and universities to strengthen and personalize supports for first-generation students largely get noticed. A survey reveals areas for expanded communication and connection opportunities.

Normalizing the Unknown for First-Gen Students

Higher ed institutions must reassure first-generation students that it’s OK not to have all the answers, writes Nick Ladany, a first-gen student who became a university president.

First in the Family Make Their Mark in College

While first-generation college students’ backgrounds and challenges are unique to the individual, they tend to have high expectations and multifaceted postgraduation goals—plus complex support needs.

Gap Between Online and In-Person Learning Narrows

Since the start of the pandemic, law school faculty members have gained proficiency in online teaching best practices and students have gained appreciation for hybrid and online learning options.

Narrowing the Gap

Researchers used a new method for measuring equity gaps in graduation rates to analyze significant differences in student support services between higher ed institutions with narrowing or widening gaps.

Natural Learning

The University of Denver recently opened a campus in the Rocky Mountains to enhance academic programs and improve student mental health.

Let’s Talk About Race and Academic Integrity

Race has been missing from conversations around academic integrity even though the issue is racialized through and through, Antar A. Tichavakunda writes.