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Great Gains, Ongoing Gaps

More adults across the country now hold a college degree or credential, according to the latest data from the Lumina Foundation. But major racial disparities persist.

Faculty Gender Imbalances Yield Biased Student Ratings

Another study adds to the litany of concerns about student evaluations of faculty teaching. It says men and women are both at risk from bias in gender-lopsided departments, but women more so.

Harvard Backtracks on Fellowship Award

Former Human Rights Watch director said the Kennedy School rejected him over his criticism of Israel. The dean reversed course Thursday.

Students: Just Say No to Remedial Classes

In light of research showing traditional remediation is ineffective, community college students should stand up and refuse remedial course placements, Maggie P. Fay writes.

Actions and Hopes of the Sustainability-Focused Student

Students demonstrate interest in taking initiative on environmental issues and expect their colleges will do the same—but could use more knowledge on what matters most.

Why I Enrolled in Developmental Math

Ashley Flood writes of enrolling in a developmental math course and convening a study group to help students who had failed before find success.

Deficiency Mind-Set Bedevils Developmental Math

Colleges should design pathways to meet students’ different preparation levels and goals rather than foist algebra on everyone in the name of numeracy, Ben Weng writes.

A Campaign Fosters Faster Route to Degrees

A scholar at Camden County College used her dissertation as an opportunity to get more students to take more credits and graduate faster. The approach, a “15 to Finish” campaign, has fans and critics.