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A Harbinger for 2023? Presentation College to Close

The small private institution is closing due to enrollment challenges and other issues exacerbated by COVID-19. Some higher education experts expect more closures to follow.

Age Matters

Community colleges gained dual-enrollment students but lost recent high school grads and adult learners at high rates, according to a recent analysis of federal enrollment data.

Sea Change or Small Step Toward Interreligious Inclusion?

Belmont University, which solely employed Christian faculty members, plans to hire some Jewish professors. Supporters say the decision will promote religious inclusion at the institution. Critics believe it either goes too far or not far enough.

New Trustees, New Hopes and Fears for City College

City College of San Francisco is welcoming three new trustees backed by the faculty union. Their supporters see them as a sign of needed change. The ousted incumbents say their replacements will imperil the college’s future.

Career-Readiness Initiatives Are Missing the Mark

Instead of focusing on generic soft skills and internships, students need work-integrated classroom learning and pathways for building career readiness, Matthew T. Hora writes.

Will Law Schools Respond to ‘U.S. News’ Changes?

Reactions were muted or critical to a series of ways the magazine said it would improve its rankings.

Students: Just Say No to Remedial Classes

In light of research showing traditional remediation is ineffective, community college students should stand up and refuse remedial course placements, Maggie P. Fay writes.

Could Undergrads Save the Public Health Workforce?

Bachelor’s programs in public health have surpassed master’s degrees in popularity. What does that mean for a field that desperately needs more workers?