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More Universities Drop ‘U.S. News’ Medical School Rankings

Plus the law school rankings gain a new critic: Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Teaching How to Teach the Holocaust

University of Kentucky embarks on an initiative to train K-12 teachers to teach about the Holocaust. Rising antisemitism nationwide, as well as some recent incidents in the state and on the campus, have made the work feel especially pressing to its supporters.

Higher Ed Needs More Grit

With trust in higher ed falling, higher ed needs to reimagine whom it serves and how, Taylor Randall writes.

An Unlikely Pairing

Hilbert College, a nonprofit Catholic institution in New York, is purchasing for-profit Valley College, which has four sites in Ohio and West Virginia. That makes for an unusual match.

Columbia, Mount Sinai, Penn and Stanford Medical Schools Drop ‘U.S. News’

The universities followed Harvard in criticizing the way the magazine ranks medical colleges.

Bullied or Bullies?

A group of professors at Bakersfield College say they’re being maligned for having and voicing conservative views. Their critics say the professors created a hostile campus environment for students of color.

Will Business Schools Join the Revolt?

Admissions leaders have mixed feelings about U.S. News.