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New Approach to Community College Transfers

Dickinson, a private liberal arts institution, creates link to honors programs at four two-year institutions, offering financial and academic support in hopes of attracting new cohorts.

Accelerating the Associate Degree

Selective community college program in New York City aims to graduate students as soon as possible, and is showing signs of success.

A 'Mission-Driven' Core

Social justice matters get a fair amount of attention at colleges these days, often in the form of service learning...

Academic Freedom, Christian Context

An evangelical college tries to define faculty rights to free inquiry in a way that celebrates its institutional mission.

Working on the Railroad

New degree program for wind turbine technicians at one Iowa community college has spurred interest in another, catered to railroad employees -- whose industry has seen a renaissance because of the state's "green" boom.

Crucifixes in the Classroom

Boston College adds Catholic imagery to all teaching spaces -- to the consternation of some professors.

Using Quaker Principles to Budget in Tough Times

Although not a member of the faith, Kent John Chabotar finds the role of silence and respect for minority opinions to be relevant in navigating college finances during the worldwide economic crisis.

Who Needs a 5-Day Schedule?

Students aren't flocking to programs to cram a full courseload in one day, but the ability to be on campus just two days a week may have staying power.