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Houston, We Have a Tax Cut

Texas community college district opts to cut rate at which property owners are charged.

Appeals Court Rejects Use of State Law to Demand Time Extensions on MCAT

Lower court's ruling would have made it easier for Californians with learning disabilities to seek accommodations on standardized tests.

Med School Enrollments Are Up, Applications Down

Latino figures show substantial gain, due in part to opening of new branches in parts of the country with large Hispanic populations.

A Core With a Catholic Twist

Seton Hall's new curriculum entails signature courses tied to the institution's religious mission, plus a deliberate focus on "proficiencies" across the disciplines.

Strangers in a Familiar Profession

Maryland community college helps foreign-trained, immigrant nurses seek licensure and ESL proficiency to work at local hospitals.

Should I Put My Students on a Melting Iceberg?

And four other questions about the community college puzzle that Wick Sloane, after 18 months in the trenches, still can’t answer.

Detente on Nursing Education

Two-year and four-year programs, long at loggerheads, show increased signs of a willingness to collaborate.

Schooling Faculty in Catholic Higher Ed

In Marquette U. seminar, pre-tenure professors study the content and context of their institution's Jesuit mission.