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Tracking Alternative Credentials

U.S. Census Bureau's first-of-its-kind report on the 25 percent of adults who hold a non-degree credential could influence policy and how college completion is viewed.

Tech Alone Won't Cut It

Electronic advising systems have plenty of potential, writes Melinda Mechur Karp. But they will fall short without more attention to the messy, human side educational technology.

New Approach to Transfer

A multistate transfer agreement is based on proficiency rather than course credits, which might open the door further for models that do not rely on seat time.

New Life for CCSF

A California court blocks an accreditor from shuttering City College of San Francisco, at least until a lawsuit filed by the city attorney goes to trial.

Gen Ed Worries

At gathering of historians, professors like the idea of talking about their discipline's role in the curriculum, but fear too much regulation.

Full Access

Federal judge orders Creighton medical school to provide specific accommodations -- different from those it offered -- to hearing impaired student.

Policy Denied

Santa Clara U.'s Faculty Senate has deemed the administration's new exclusion of elective abortions from insurance coverage "invalid," and wants the Board of Trustees to take up the matter.

Law School Hybrid

William Mitchell College of Law receives a rare approval from the American Bar Association to experiment with online education.