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Signing Away Rights

Binding arbitration clauses in enrollment forms for for-profit higher ed leave students without legal rights when they have been ripped off, writes Stephen Burd.

Scrutiny for College Marketing Practices

Many of Australia's vocational institutions promote themselves in ways that are "too good to be true," study by federal regulator finds.

No Consensus on 'Gainful Employment'

The Education Department plans to release its own take after negotiators fail to agree, but feds promise to listen to suggestions.

A National Transfer Network

American Honors, a venture capital-funded effort to help students transfer from two-year-college honors programs to selective universities, grows to four community colleges and 27 four-year institutions.

Aggie Journalism Revival

Ten years ago, Texas A&M cut its journalism program. The job market imploded in the meantime, but the university hopes its interdisciplinary, liberal arts education approach will make reviving the degree a smart move.

Update: White House Meeting Postponed

Nelson Mandela's death puts on hold caucus for college leaders to talk about lower-income student success, for which they have been asked to set specific goals.

Tiny Budget, Big Payoff

Alabama's community college transfer website is a national example of how to help students transfer more efficiently, so why is the office that runs it on life support?

Listening Closely

Eastern Mennonite U. -- in a move that is highly unusual for members of a Christian college group -- will reconsider its ban on employing faculty members in same-sex relationships.