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Renewed Push on Job Training

Obama administration continues efforts to streamline programs, many of which involve community colleges. But efforts to promote reporting of job results worry some educators.

Discrimination and Pluralism

The government should respect the right of religious institutions to discriminate against gay people, writes Julia K. Stronks. But religious institutions need to rethink their approaches to gay people as well.

Dropping the Ball?

Colleges and universities need to get involved in the the rollout of the Common Core curriculum, argues a new paper from the New America Foundation.

Dropping Profit

For-profits are under fire, and a few have made the jump to become nonprofits. But the process is tricky and offers a mixed bag on regulatory benefits.

For Community Colleges, Post-Recession Blues

Declining enrollment in the post-recession period leaves community colleges with little room for error. A Virginia college found out the hard way.

The Liberal Arts Role in Teacher Education

By staying on the sidelines, colleges and professors of liberal arts and sciences have helped teacher education go off track. It's time for them to get more involved, writes Stephen Mucher.

Not the First Exemption

George Fox U., which the Education Department recently permitted to discriminate against transgender students, previously won the right to discriminate against divorced people or unwed parents.

Freedom of Religion or Free to Discriminate?

As Christian colleges seek exemptions from parts of some federal laws, two institutions face legal challenges to their treatment of transgender students -- and Education Department exempts one from part of Title IX.