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Controlled Crash?

Corinthian Colleges and the feds have a day to decide how to dismantle the huge for-profit, with the fate of students, employees and $1.2 billion in loans hanging in the balance.

Blind Students and Health Professions

Iowa Supreme Court rules that chiropractic college cannot reject a student's request to meet requirements for analyzing X-rays through a reader.

Public to Private MBA at UCLA

Program turns down state money in hopes of raising tuition and luring more donor support. Other programs are watching. Is this a sign of what's next for the UC system?

Digital Feedback

As colleges turn to vendors for help on retention services, one company offers a way to give positive feedback to students.

Proof via Straw Man

Trotting out students as victims of for-profit institutions is often an attack by false and partial anecdotes, writes Wade Dyke.

Fallen Giant

The Education Department improvised in helping to shut down Corinthian Colleges, raising questions about a similar approach with other large for-profits.

Non-Decline of Liberal Arts Colleges

New analysis suggests that the institutions aren't disappearing -- and may be growing if one counts honors colleges at public universities.

Not Interested in Koch Money

Brooklyn College professor accuses administrators, allegedly afraid of controversy involving the foundation of the brothers who bankroll many conservative politicians, of passing on a chance at millions.