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Enrollments Fall

Student enrollment numbers are down at two-year colleges and four-year for-profit institutions, according to a new National Student Clearinghouse Research Center report.

Problems Deepen for ITT

SEC charges ITT and top two executives with fraud, alleging they misled investors about huge losses in lending programs. Embattled company asks regulators not to run with fraud allegations until the court rules on them.

Trying to Survive

Mills is across the country from Sweet Briar, but is closer in circumstance. It struggles with declining enrollment, a growing discount rate and faculty-administrator tensions. How endangered is the college?

Community College Consolidation

Two small two-year institutions in northwest Ohio craft plan to combine key administrative positions to save money. Officials say no merger is planned -- but faculty leaders are skeptical.

The Real Change Agents

To reform community colleges, you need to reach below the presidential level, writes James Jacobs.

Legislative Fixes for Remediation

Minnesota becomes the latest state to examine remedial education reform in an effort to lower college costs and retain students.

Vanishing Profit, and Campuses

Two major for-profits announce campus closures and sell-offs as the industry continues a long slide caused by regulatory crackdowns, competition and bad publicity.

Flexibility or an End Run?

U of Maine System wants to end campus-by-campus accreditation. Would local needs and faculty voice be lost?