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Phase Two of Completion

Sinclair Community College boosted student completion rates by 75 percent, but to sharpen its focus, the college began cutting some of its more than 100 completion-related projects.

Running Out of Time

Many teams at historically black colleges and universities struggle to reach academic progress rate required by NCAA. Next year, the challenge will be even larger.

Pipeline for Hispanic Doctors

The country's only LCME accredited for-profit medical school is working to increase the number of bilingual and multicultural physicians in the U.S.

Tighter Oversight of ITT

Education Department steps up scrutiny of ITT's finances in wake of SEC charges, while two states ban company's eligibility for GI benefits.

CAEPed Crusader Ousted

Without explanation, accreditor of teacher training programs forces out its founding leader amid criticism from colleges and unions.

Rethinking Poli-Sci

After seeing its majors drop, Stanford's political science department overhauls the undergraduate major, focusing less on specialization and more on issues students care about. Could other departments be next?

Addressing the Inequity Gap

Community colleges with many low-income students should receive additional funding, as high-poverty schools in the K-12 sector do, new report urges.

Leave It to the Manikins

After one college faced criticism over transvaginal probing, officials at other health education programs say invasive procedures aren't typically performed on students, but are left to models and professionals.