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U.S. For-Profits in Brazil

Amid enrollment and revenue declines at home, American for-profit education companies have looked abroad, including to Brazil. But can -- and should -- Brazil's boom in proprietary education continue?

Sugar Out, Diet In

U of California at San Francisco is about to ban sale of sugary beverages on campus. Will the policy make a difference? Will other colleges follow?

Remediation for Job Seekers

Employers and community colleges team up to design new courses and alternative credentials that attempt to close the skills gap by better preparing students for jobs.

Hope for Sweet Briar?

Virginia Supreme Court gives opponents of closure another shot at an injunction to keep the college going. But even if that strategy works, will there be students left to educate?

Debt Relief Unveiled

Obama administration announces debt relief for tens of thousands of former Corinthian students -- and possibly many more students at that college and others.

Catalog to Completion

California community colleges redesign listings of online courses to create better pathways to four-year degrees.

2 + 2 Shouldn't = 5

In many states, community colleges and four-year institutions renew efforts to promote seamless transfer.

Rebooting the Career College

The nonprofit loan agency that bought dozens of Corinthian campuses has started to figure out what to do with them, and guarantor's CEO promises wholesale changes in behavior.