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Community College Football Collapsing in Arizona

Two of the state's largest community college districts dropped a total of five football teams, creating tough decisions for Arizona's remaining two-year college football programs.

‘Land-Grant Universities for the Future’

Authors discuss new book on evolution of a key American model of higher education.

The Vanishing History Major

New analysis of history-major data says the field has fallen to "new low." Can it be saved?

Public and Private Institutions Partner to Produce More Nurses, More Quickly

Joint degree programs between private and public colleges are being embraced as a way to meet growing demand for nurses with bachelor's degrees -- in less time.

Boarding Up a Window on Vocational Ed

Rescinding the gainful-employment rule will mean important performance data will disappear from public view, write Paul Glastris and Robert Kelchen.

Learning for a Lifetime

A 100-year life requires a 60-year curriculum, writes Rovy Branon.

Head of Private College Group to Retire

David L. Warren has led the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities since 1993, lobbying aggressively for his members and their students.

‘Grow and Then Get More Efficient’

Under pressure to close funding and enrollment gaps, a small, private liberal arts institution in New Jersey expands academic offerings, then proposes cutting noninstructional budgets. Will Drew's strategy work?