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Defending Faith-Based Higher Education

At Council of Christian Colleges and Universities, presidents of evangelical, Roman Catholic, Muslim and Jewish institutions share the stage.

For-Profits and Federal Revenue

Sector would get an enrollment boost if Congress were to drop a 90 percent cap on revenue from federal sources, according to a new Brookings Institution analysis.

Free College Idea Hinges on Merger With K-12

The proposal from a Chicago mayoral candidate to offer free community college by merging the system with K-12 is unique. But local and national education experts say it wouldn’t work.

ABA Rejects Plan to Toughen Law School Standards

Opposition came from those who said rules would be unfair to institutions in California and those that serve minority students.

Survival of the Proactive

Small-college leaders share how their institutions have attempted to ward off enrollment crises before they happen.

DNA Testing, Race and an Admissions Lawsuit

Federal judge allows to proceed a suit in which white student says an admissions officer told her she might improve her odds of getting into medical school by discovering Native American or African American lineage.

The State of the State of the Union

Scott McLemee traces the evolution of the State of the Union address from George Washington's day until our current moment.

‘Higher Ed’s Most Important Watchdog’?

Two new governors want to raise the profile of state coordinating boards, but legislators and public flagship universities may balk at the idea.