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Opening a Dangerous Floodgate

Thomas Corbett, a former for-profit college executive, speaks out against plans by the U.S. Department of Education to weaken requirements for oversight of college quality.

Conservative. Traditional. Expensive.

Survey of prospective students and their parents offers insight into how they view Roman Catholic colleges. Many are open to them but generally aren't choosing institutions because of their Catholic character.

The Great Bundling of Work-Force Development

Colleges may be facing pressure to separate their credentialed learning from their other offerings, Ryan Craig writes. Our work-force development system, meanwhile, could learn a thing or two from higher education.

Study: Student Borrowing May Lead to Academic Success in Community College

A new study challenges the notion that student loan debt is bad for people attending community colleges and finds that borrowing may actually increase their academic success.

Art School Shakeout

The smallest art colleges are struggling in a fiercely competitive market. Why are they showing such signs of stress? And can larger liberal arts colleges learn from their successes and missteps?

For-Profit Law School Seeks Shift to Nonprofit

Recently under the microscope, Florida Coastal School of Law becomes latest for-profit institution to seek nonprofit status.

Does George H. W. Bush Deserve a Statue at a Black College?

Hampton University alumni object to honor for the late president, noting his link to Reagan administration and the Willie Horton ad.

Understanding the Decline in M.B.A. Applications

Political environment and improved job market are discouraging potential applicants, survey finds.