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Swiss Apprenticeships in Utah

New program uses the European model to give students training for advanced manufacturing through a hybrid model blending an apprenticeship with coursework at Salt Lake Community College.

Catholic Contraception? Get the App

Two Catholic colleges, Georgetown University and Marquette University, have been helping to create apps for natural family planning.

French Business Schools Attract Chinese Students With Luxury

Students want to learn about Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Dior.

Did Trump Save HBCUs?

President engages in "useful hyperbole" by claiming he rescued historically black colleges, but his administration has made good on some of its promise to support the sector.

Fixes for Short-Term Pell

Opening up Pell Grants to short-term training is a promising idea, but changes are needed to prevent unintended consequences for equity, writes Jim Jacobs.

Nudging With Incentives

New research compares efforts to encourage students to re-enroll in college with information alone or with tuition waivers. The financial incentives appear to work better.

A Rescue Plan for America’s Small Colleges

Liberal arts colleges can save themselves -- and perhaps our democracy -- by mining their backyards for and educating more students from working-class backgrounds via a new degree option, Rob Fried and Eli Kramer write.

The 2020 Inside Higher Ed Survey of Chief Academic Officers

Only 22 percent of provosts believe their institution is very effective at recruiting and retaining talented faculty members, according to...