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Crunch Time for Calbright

California's new online-only community college grabbed headlines again with its CEO's departure. While some see the college as a doomed venture, others say it's too soon to pass judgment.

Protecting Faith-Based Colleges

The U.S. Education Department says its newly proposed rule would "level the playing field" for religious institutions applying for funding from the agency. But critics question the motives and assumptions underlying the rule.

Will Higher Education Roar in the '20s?

John Katzman describes the changes that colleges and universities will -- or should -- make in the next decade.

Expand Economic Opportunity by Supporting Community Colleges

They're often the most affordable option for higher education -- if not the only option -- yet public funding for them compared to other colleges is clearly imbalanced, write Austan Goolsbee, Glenn Hubbard and Penny Pritzker.
A aerial view of Southern New Hampshire University showing a building surrounded by trees.

SNHU Moves Into Pennsylvania

A statewide credit-transfer deal between Pennsylvania community colleges and Southern New Hampshire University could put pressure on the state’s relatively pricey public institutions.

Local Economy Drives Academic Agenda

Saint Peter's administrators believe students benefit when an institution has mutual economic interests with its host city. As a result, the university is aligning its strategic plan with Jersey City.

A Way Out of Impasse Over LGBT Issues?

A proposed split in the United Methodist Church could be good news for colleges that struggled with whether to retain their church affiliation following the adoption of anti-LGBT policies.

Free College With Grants for Basic Needs

Virginia may join the ranks of states that have made community colleges tuition-free this year, but the state is taking a different approach by providing grants for basic needs.