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Ending College Supremacy

The divide between those with and without degrees hurts higher education and the country. Ryan Craig says colleges and universities must work to close that gap.

Is It Time for All Students to Take Ethnic Studies?

As ethnic studies requirements are put in place in California, capping years of struggle, educators discuss why it's important to talk about race in the classroom.

Pandemic Boosts Fundraising at Community Colleges

Several two-year colleges are reporting record fundraising years and more individual donors than ever before. The pandemic seems to have boosted efforts so far -- but will it last?

Survey on student transfer finds both progress and finger pointing

Given the environment surrounding higher education and the workforce, it seems like this should be transfer's moment. Transferring from one...

Report: Enrollment Continues to Trend Downward

Several concerning enrollment trends are holding strong as the latest, and more comprehensive, data show. Experts and advocates are particularly worried about community colleges.

Ithaca Announces Sweeping Faculty Cuts

Saying the coronavirus accelerated an ongoing need to rightsize its faculty, college plans to eliminate 130 full-time teaching jobs.

A Community College Reopens. At What Cost?

Miami Dade College is worrying some faculty and students with its decision to reopen.

Innovating and Adapting: Tribal Colleges in the Pandemic

With little internet access and disproportionate impacts from COVID-19, tribal colleges had to redesign everything they do in the spring.