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Talkin' 'Bout My Generation

Berkeley and Mario Savio are typically held up as the higher ed symbols of the '60s. John Thelin argues that Mitt Romney and Harvard's M.B.A./J.D. program complete the portrait.

Not So Fast

Key faculty panel issues scathing report that could stand in the way of UCLA business school's controversial "self-sufficiency" plan -- an idea that critics view as privatization.

Real Teacher Ed Reform

Significant changes, based on true assessment, are going on right now, led by the profession, writes Linda Darling-Hammond, who urges critics to check out what's really happening.

You Can't Fire Me. I Quit.

Saint Louis U. law dean resigns with scathing attack on president -- raising anew tensions over whether universities treat law schools like cash cows.

A Cadaver, Facebook, Free Speech

State Supreme Court upholds right of University of Minnesota to punish mortuary science student for online posts, but ruling is narrow, easing concerns of civil liberties groups.

Commencement and Evolution

Some Emory students and faculty are concerned because their graduation speaker, a noted surgeon and humanitarian, is a creationist.

Strep Throat and Beer

No matter if they have a cough or sprain, students are being quizzed by colleges about their alcohol consumption. Health officials say it's a way to target risky behavior, but some students are peeved.

The New MCAT

New social sciences test will broaden base of knowledge measured. Educators hope to change the way pre-meds think about undergraduate education.